
What Is A Conversion Campaign

How to Create a Conversion Campaign in Facebook

Originally published: August 02, 2019 10:40:18 PM, updated: October 14, 2021 01:49:42 PM

Facebook Conversion

Any Facebook ad with the website conversion goal is considered a Facebook conversion ad. Facebook website conversion ads encourage potential customers to visit your post-click page to take action, whether your objective is page visits, sales, video views, or another action to help build your online business.

Website conversion ads work in conjunction with the Facebook pixel on your website to target visitors who are most likely to perform the desired action and track how many people convert.

Custom Conversion

Conversion Rate Optimization

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of improving the likelihood of a visitor taking desired actions (conversions) on a website or landing page by optimizing the site or landing page experience based on website visitor behavior.

Online traffic is tremendously variable in today's society. If you can't convince visitors to join your conversion funnel the first time, there's a slim chance they'll return and do the needed step. This is nothing more than a missed opportunity for your company. Running efficient conversion rate optimization campaigns is the best approach to boost your chances of getting more conversions.

A successful conversion rate optimization campaign not only saves you time, money, and effort but also allows you to explore previously unexplored growth possibilities. In other words, conversion rate optimization aids you in better understanding the usability of your website while also providing customer behavior insights and advice on how to improve your UX to reach your objectives.

Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is a continuous process of learning and optimizing on a strategic level. Unfortunately, the "ongoing" part is frequently overlooked when considering conversion rate optimization and its components.

What is a conversion?

A visitor completing a site goal is referred to as a conversion. Goals come in a variety of sizes and shapes. The fundamental goal (known as the macro-conversion) of a website that sells products is for the user to make a purchase. Smaller conversions, such as signing up to receive emails, can occur before a user completes a macro-conversion. Micro-conversions are what they're called.

Examples of conversions


  • Purchasing a product from the site
  • Requesting a quote
  • Subscribing to a service

Examples of micro-conversions:

  • Signing up for email lists
  • Creating an account
  • Adding a product to the cart

What is a conversion rate?

The percentage of users to your website who fulfill a targeted goal (a conversion) out of the total number of visitors is your conversion rate. A high conversion rate marks successful marketing and web design: It indicates that people want what you're selling and can simply obtain it!

Tip If you want to learn how to integrate Facebook lead ads with MailChimp, here is the link

Facebook conversion ad

Now, let's start with creating a conversion campaign on Facebook.

Step 1: Create and install the Facebook Pixel code. This can be done by going to the Facebook business manager and then select Pixel. Follow the steps of creating the Pixel and make sure it's correctly installed on your website because it's an essential part of creating a custom conversion. You may need to contact your website developer if you are not familiar with the integration process. The best practice for integrating the Facebook Pixel code is to use Google Tag Manager.

If you cannot handle this, I will be happy to help. Of course, free.

Facebook Pixel

Step 2: Create a custom conversion. As I mentioned above, custom conversion is the action you want to be achieved on your website. In Facebook, there is no code for the conversion, and the Pixel code will serve this. Once you have created your custom conversion, Facebook will start to track the conversions on your website.

Custom Conversion

Achieving conversions is not an easy task, and you need to make sure that you have a conversion-oriented website design and development. Also, you can use some tools such as Hotjar to get details about the user behavior on your website. Tracking user behavior on your website will help you know what elements a user engaged with to optimize them and increase your conversion rate.

Step 3: Create a conversion campaign. Once you have finished the above two steps, you should start with the conversions campaign. During the steps of creating the campaign, you need to choose where you want to drive traffic, then select a Pixel or event to track conversions.

Conversion Campaign

Conversion Event

As appear in the image above, there is a created event to track users who visit the contact page. Facebook offers different conversion events that can help you achieve your goal. For example, if you want to track checking out on your website, you need to have a custom conversion for this event.


The Facebook website conversion objective helps you to grow your business. Whether you want page visits, sales, or another action, website conversion ads encourage people to go to your website and do something.

What Is A Conversion Campaign


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